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Get Your Work Done in 6 Steps

Updated: Jan 15, 2023

An exam's around the corner but too lazy to get started? Perhaps there's too much to cover or you feel failure is inevitable, so what's the point? Whatever the reason is, let's work this out together.

1. Break down the work into smaller steps/tasks.

Sometimes, you might feel unmotivated to start because the task is too big and too time-consuming. Breaking down the work into smaller tasks might help motivate you, especially when you feel accomplished after finishing each subtask. For example, you might find reading a page too daunting? Divide the page into 10 small paragraphs.

2. Keep a journal and prioritize your tasks.

Rank down all your tasks from most to least important. Do the important task first And cross it off once it's done - this will help you feel accomplished. Journal what you did every hour and read through your journal at the end of the day. Reflect on how well (or not) you spent the day.

3. 1-minute challenge.

The biggest hurdle is to get started. Take 1 min to read a paragraph on that page. And stop there if you are too lazy to read the next paragraph. If you can proceed for a while longer then it's great. Keep the momentum and keep going!

4. Focus on one task at a time.

Revising a topic means doing just that. Don't read other topics simultaneously, untill you're done with the first task. It will only slow down the revision process.

5. Take regular, productive breaks.

It is equally important to take regular breaks to keep you going.You don't want to burn out! But remember, a break shouldn't make you lazy afterward. It should be something that boosts you to study further. For example, take a refreshing bath to perk yourself up or run an errand to keep the blood flowing.

6. Reward yourself.

Give yourself 5 point if you got it done on time, 3 if you got it done at all. Collect all these points and treat yourself with something positive based on your own rewards system, such as going for a simple outing with your family and friends. But we all know getting it done in itself is the biggest. After all, intrinsic motivation gives more satisfaction than extrinsic reward.

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